London Orthotics specializes in the assessment and treatment of foot and lower limb injuries as well as optimizing function and performance.
Located at the West 5 London, Ontario community inside Medpoint Health Care, London Orthotics employs the latest technology including computerized gait assessment and three-dimensional laser foot scanning in a multi-disciplinary clinic.
Our growing team has a gait specialist and a Canadian Certified Pedorthist working in co-ordination with Physicians and Medpoint Specialists to provide comprehensive, preventive care for patients across Southwestern Ontario.
There are many causes of foot pain and no one should have to live with it. Some of the most common conditions we see in our clinic include;
Plantar Fasciitis – heel pain
Heel Spurs – bony growths on the back or bottom of the heel
Achilles Tendonitis – dull pain near the heel or along the back of the leg
Shin Splints - pain on the front of the shins
Metatarsalgia – forefoot pain
Stress Fractures – a tiny crack in the bone
Sesamoiditis – inflammation under the big toe joint
Bunions – a bony thickening at the base of the big toe
Hammertoes– toes that have an irregular, permanent bend in the joint
Corns and callusing – painful patches of thickened skin
After a comprehensive assessment your personalized treatment plan might include any of the following modalities; custom foot orthotics, footwear modification, bracing, taping, stretches, icing/heating, exercises.
London orthotics specializes in providing custom orthotic devices that support and control to facilitate correct motion for improved function in daily activities. Orthotics and compression hosiery are covered by many private insurances. Please consult your insurance guide to determine your coverage.
Compression Therapy
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Our Address
Suite 200 - 1295 Riverbend Road.
London, ON
N6K 0G2
519-432-1919 ext.260
Our Hours
Monday – Friday 08:00AM – 5:00PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Medpoint comes to our facility twice a year and scan’s the gait of all our employees. The result has been less back problems, less foot pain and happier team members. Medpoint makes the process simple and efficient.
Chris Wood
President - Marwood Metal
“ I have had multiple employees come to me to say they no longer experience back pain that they have had for years!”
Kendra Holden
HR - Future Transfer Co. Inc.